What to Expect at an Initial Visit

Remodeling a home can be a bit of a mystery to many homeowners. How do I learn if what I would like to do is practical? Are there other solutions? How much would this project cost? How long will it take? Can I live in the house while the work is being done? There are so many questions you might have. Good news- we have answers! 

Let’s walk through what you can expect if you schedule an in home consultation with Case. 

First, you need to schedule the visit. You can either call us or schedule a specific day and time on our website. Once the visit is scheduled, you will get an email confirming the appointment that will also include a link to the bio of the Project Developer that will be meeting with you. We have a great team of Project Developers. They all have at least 10 years of experience in residential remodeling and are highly skilled in helping clients turn ideas into actual projects. If interested, you can even review all of our Project Developers and request that a specific individual be assigned to your project.

A few days after receiving the confirmation, you will get a message from your Project Developer. They will be reaching out to set up a quick call before meeting at your home. The goal of the call is to get to know a little more about you and your project. It will help us be more prepared when we meet so we can make the best use of your time. Speaking of time, an average in home consultation lasts somewhere in the 60-90 minute time frame. 

At the appointment, we typically address 4 topics. First up is discussing what is it you would like to accomplish, next is how long it will take followed by a conversation about cost. We will finish with an explanation of our process. We have a very well developed process for turning this initial conversation into the project you have been dreaming of.

As we start the conversation of exactly what it is that you would like to accomplish, don’t be surprised if we want to wander around the house. We might ask to go to the basement to get a better understanding of the structure of your home. We may want to peek at adjacent rooms so we better understand the connections between spaces and how people circulate through the area. While this is happening we will be talking about ideas. Have you considered this? Would it be helpful if that? We’re a pretty creative bunch and we delight in finding clever ways to solve problems. 

After a thorough discussion of the project, we turn our focus to time. Not only how long it will take in construction but also realistic time expectations for design, permitting, and ordering of materials. We want you to have total understanding of everything involved. That also includes how much time we need from you. It might be less than you think. 

Now that we have covered ideas for the space and a timeline for the project, its time to turn our attention to budgeting. Talking about money is not much fun, but it is a critical piece of the puzzle. We take a lot of pride in developing accurate preliminary budgets that reflect Case quality materials and work. 

In this budgeting exercise, we often present “component” budgeting rather than one lump sum range. By this I mean separate budgets for the Kitchen, and the Powder Room, and the structural work, and so on. We find that it helps you better understand how the budget for your project is built. This knowledge allows you to better define the exact scope of work.

Finally, we will introduce you to the Case process. It’s something we have been refining for over 60 years. It is logical, comprehensive and fun! Along the way you will have a team of Case personnel at your side including a Project Developer, Designer, Project Manager and Craftsman. We are anxious to tell you all about it.

The meeting will wrap up with an introduction to the CaseStudy. It is the first step in our process of developing a project that is custom tailored to you. We hope you move forward but if you don’t, that’s ok. Our goal for this initial meeting is simply to provide you with all of the information needed to make the best decision for your situation.  

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