His and Hers Spaces

Just because you love your significant other doesn’t mean you have to share every bit of your space with him or her.

Let’s face it, sometimes you need an area that entirely belongs to you. Check out the ideas below that teach you how to create individual spaces while maintaining a cohesive room. You’ll find you can appreciate your significant other even more if you aren’t elbowing him or her away from the sink every morning.

His & Hers Bathrooms

There is no place where his and her areas are more essential than in the bathroom. Everyone’s morning routine is smoother if you both are not vying to use the same space. Picture him shaving and her brushing her teeth and applying mascara over one sink – it’s pretty much a recipe for disaster. Consider a few of the setups below that have separate his and her space, no matter the size of the bathroom.

Contemporary Bathroom by West Mclean Architects & Designers Lori Shaffer

The long countertop with individual sink basins allows for personal space while maintaining a shared feel. The large countertop leaves plenty of room to spread out and utilize your own space.

Traditional Bathroom by Boerne Home Builders Authentic Custom Homes

This option is great for making smaller spaces functional for two people. While counter space is a bit limited, each person has his or her own sink and mirror, allowing for a bit of privacy.

His & Hers Office Space

In an age where more and more people are working remotely, you need to be sure that your office space is set up to accommodate both you and your partner. Two separate desk spaces give each of you room to complete your tasks without encroaching on the other’s space. Just be sure you have enough drawer space and shelving so that you aren’t battling it out over the prime storage real estate.

Contemporary Home Office by Bellevue Home Stagers Lisa Lucas Design
Contemporary Home Office

His & Her Furnishings

We all have those little decorative touches that we love, but what happens when your significant other doesn’t love your animal print couch or you hate that neon beer sign leftover from his college days? It’s time to compromise. You can both have pieces of what you like incorporated into the home. Consider purchasing two similarly shaped lounge chairs, and having each of you choose a fabric or covering for one of them.

Traditional Family Room by Cleveland Interior Designers & Decorators Kim Metheny

Giving yourself a little personal space while still respecting your partner’s design tastes is always a good idea. Put these ideas into practice and you’ll probably start feeling positive vibes in your relationship and in your home.

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